Xavier and Owen Moment

Motherhood is a lot of work, a lot of prayer, a lot of prayer, and a whole lot of crossing my fingers that I'm doing a good job raising these special kids.  One Sunday I discovered Xavier snuggled up, reading his scriptures by the fire.  It was a precious mom moment I just had to catch on the camera.  I love that he wants to learn from the scriptures and follow Jesus Christ.  What a happy mom moment!

Here's just a couple of snapshots of fun with Owen!  He made a pretty cool shape castle for school math. 
Owen's totally accurate self portrait at 100 years old.  I love the bald head and rockin' mustache!

I finished it a bit early, but I wanted to share a picture of Owen's finished baptism blanket.  I'm so excited he can be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this year!


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