Happy Birthday, John!

Look who turned 4 yrs old!  How the time has flown with my little buddy.  John is so sweet and such a joy to be around.  He has a bright mind and a kind heart.  He can't stand to see anyone cry and quickly comes to their rescue to ease their pain, comfort away their sadness, or right the wrong that has you in tears.  John loves to play and snuggle.  He loves to laugh and explore.  His favorite thing to do is to hang out with this brothers and sisters.  He loves them more than they know.  John loves to be a helper and he loves to stay up late, past bedtime, and watch TV with Mom and Dad.  We are so grateful for our little John.  He brings such sunshine and love into our family.  How lucky are we!

Xavier wanted to do something special for John for his birthday so he found the perfect Monster Truck birthday card for him, wrote a sweet note in it, and delivered it with a treat and a dollar.  John was absolutely thrilled.  I love to see Xavier grow in thoughtfulness and kindness.  What a great pair of brothers.  

Birthday cake fun!

Best smile ever!

He did it!  He blew out all of the candles!


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