Happy Birthday, Maeve!!!

Maeve's golden birthday was this year!  She turned 9 years old on the 9th.  What a lucky duck!  We celebrated our smart, creative, friendly, adventurous, daughter of God with a totally fun Bird Bootcamp birthday party.  We invited her friends from her Church Primary class, a few friends from school, and our fun neighbors for a bird themed carnival.  We played lots of fun games, won tons of cool prizes, made some cute crafts, and celebrated our special Maeve.  We had so much fun making new friends and new memories together. 

 I have LOVED watching Maeve grow and shine her light this past year.  She is a true friend to all she meets.  Quick to smile, quick to play, and quick to forgive.  She works hard at school.  She never misses and opportunity to share her testimony of Jesus and the Book of Mormon.  She loves her family and her friends.  She loves Heavenly Father and is always works hard to do as He would have her do.  I am so proud of my Maeve and can hardly wait to see all the fun and beauty she will bring into the world this next year.  Happy Birthday, baby girl!
Everyone working hard on decorating bird wind chimes


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