Cookie Sundays with Rebekah

John sweetly asked, "Rebekah, you make cookies with me?" and Rebekah happily answered, "Sure! What kind of cookies do you want?"

Rebekah is a very kind big sister.  She has a busy schedule, but when asked by a sweet sibling to do something with them like bake cookies (John), play Roblox games on the computer (Owen, Xavier, or Loyd), or draw together for hours at the kitchen table (Maeve) Rebekah is always game to be there for them.  She puts up a prickly teenager front sometimes, but deed down I know, we all know, she has a tender heart of gold.  I just love this daughter of mine!

Maeve did and art project with water colors with John and I couldn't help but share the results.  I'm not sure if he got more paint on his face or on his paper.  Hahaha! 


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