Owen lost his first tooth and grew a beard!

 Check out who lost his first baby tooth!  This kid has been excitedly wiggling his bottom front baby tooth and then he finally lost patience and just twisted that puppy right out!  He was super excited to show me his tooth and loved my squeal of disgust at the blood.  :D Nothing is more fun than making your mother squirm.  This kid is growing up too fast and is such a joy.  We can't wait to see what riches the Tooth Fairy will bring!

Also, with these growing up mile stones I couldn't help but share this awesome picture Owen drew of himself as an adult for a First Grade "All About Me" poster project.  Owen is working as a game designer in this picture.  But, my absolute favorite part of this future aspirational self portrait is the incredibly manly beard he is sporting that looks just like Uncle Royal's beard of manly awesomeness!  It's too cute!


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