4-H Camps and Swimming Lessons

We're ticking our summer activities wish list off and have two more fun activities to add to the list.  This year the kids got to experience 4-H for the first time.  Xavier had an awesome 2 day "Lego Robotics" camp, Loyd made an impressive list of menu items in his "Cooking with Dairy" camp (he even made mozzarella cheese from scratch!), and Maeve and Owen had a blast at 2 days of "Craft Camp."   Plus, everyone got a snazzy new t-shirt perfect for St. Patrick's day!


W also managed to squeeze in a week of swimming lessons at the North Summit swimming pool.  It is the same pace I took swimming lessons as a kid!  

John had a super fun time playing in the water with the Preschool class.  Can you spot him in front of the green basket in the picture above?
Owen rocked "Swimming 1" with lots of great bobs under the water and even some very brave and fun trips down the water slide.  

Maeve declined the water slide, but gave her best efforts and did great in "Swim 2"
Xavier got better at overcoming his fear of putting his face in the water, making greats strides in his swimming.  He asks daily when we will go to the pool again to just play around.  

At the end of a busy week we stopped at the local soda shop in Morgan and treated these hard working swimmers to a fun soda treat.  


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