January Odds and Ends

 Beep, beep!  Look out world, here comes John driving the Cornelius Party Bus!  Guess who also knows where the car horn is located and isn't afraid to use it?  Silly John.

I sure hope Loyd knows that I love him.  I got stuck making 300 small Brigadieros for World Cultures Day at Clear Creek Intermediate so Loyd could get 25 extra credit points.  Also, chocolate and sprinkles are always delicious.

A couple of home projects getting done around the house.  I love my newly painted blue front door and I'm so happy to finally have French drains, a sub pump, and a mud free alley walkway in my backyard and between the new garage and house.  Yea for crossing things off the to-do list!

I just loved this tender moment between brothers.  Loyd is such a tender big brother.  He is always happy to give a hug, a piggy back ride, or read a book or two to John.  What a lucky little brother to have such a gentle big brother to look up.  Love my boys!


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