Exciting News and Fun Happenings

Loyd has begun practicing his cool euphonium at home.  Everyone gets excited when he pulls his instrument out of it's big black case.  There is no shortage of excited and eager audience participation when Loyd begins to practice.  Go Loyd!  May this be the first of many exciting musical years for this awesome kid with brass lips.  :)

Owen has recently decided he is old enough to try and pick up the gerbil friends.  They are still faster than he is, but every once in a while he gets a nice little pet of their soft fur.  We just love our furry little friends who are so busy chewing all day long. They are soft and sweet and fun to care for.  What a fun family pet.  We love you Tangee, Legacy, and Tornado! 

In other exciting news, we finally got a good crop of satsuma oranges from our little tree!  Here's a shot of John enjoying his new favorite snack, home grown oranges, yum!


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