Odds and Ends of Summer

It looks like Baby John might be a blankie boy!  At last to have a child who truly understands the undeniable superiority of one blankie above all others and the magical powers it has to always be the perfect warmth, be the most comforting object in the house, and be necessary for all important moments of life, like making nap time easier.  Sleep well my blankie boy.  Mommy loves you.  :)

Two of the keys on our electronic piano were mysteriously sunken, never to pop up to their proper place.  So, after an entire evening of watching YouTube do-it-yourself piano repair tutorials and taking out way more screws than one would think it would take to hold the piano together, Dustin finally discovered the culprit behind the key problem.  It was a thin, round magnet that Owen had slipped between the keys.  It was holding the key hammers together and pulling them to the bottom of the keyboard.  Dustin successfully fished the offending magnet out, replaced all the screws without a single one left over, and restored the beloved electronic piano to it's playing glory.  Thanks Dustin for being so handy! 

John rolls over!!  He rolled over 3 times on July 17th because every time he got from his tummy to his back, we cheered and hurrahs and then flipped him back over to see him do the new trick again.  As you can see, he did not appreciate our enthusiasm and demand for repeat performances of his new rolling skill.  :)
 Oh, how I love to take pictures of these two amazing boys together.  I just love how much Owen loves his baby brother.  :)

We made it through a super fun week of Vex Robotics camp for the big boys.  Loyd and Xavier had a lot of fun making news friends and new robots to accomplish such impressive feats as autonomously traveling through a maze, driving through an obstacle course, picking up and stacking the tubes (as pictures on Loyd's wrist below), and hanging from towers on the game field.  What a fun week of learning and d

Look who is too cute in his very manly flamingo swimming suit!  I love flamingos almost as much as I love my amazing kids, so it's a double win for me whenever I can combine the two.  :D Yea flamingos!


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