John's Name and a Blessing Day

 On Sunday, June 24th we were able to give John a name and a blessing in our home.  We invited family to join us via Skype on the internet and friends to join us in our home as Dustin and our dear friends who hold the holy Priesthood of God joined together to give this sweet baby boy a name for official LDS Church records and a blessing unto the Lord.  It was a special experience to see little John surrounded by good, righteous men and then blessed with the power of God to bless him in his life's journey that has only just begun.  After the beauty of the blessing we all enjoyed some great visiting time and a yummy waffle bar to soak in the joyous occasion.  How grateful I am for the Gospel and the Priesthood restored on earth today to bless my children and help them on their mortal journey's back to our loving Heavenly Father. 


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