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Letter to Santa, as dictated to Mommy by Maeve

Dear Santa,
Can I ride on your reindeer?
I want to stay up at night on Christmas.  Please say "Yes."
Can I ride on your reindeer lots of times and then come back home?

Maeve 4yrs old:
While staring at dinner: Maeve - "Mommy, I need different food.  My tummy is being grumpy and doesn't like this."

While driving in the car and talking to Bekah about what ear plugs do - 
Rebekah - "We use ear plugs to not hear things.  They make it so you can't hear."
Maeve  - "Oh.  Loyd."
Loyd - "What?"
Maeve - "Xavier."
Xavier - "What?"
Maeve - "Mom."
Mom - "What?"
Maeve - "See Bekah, you don't need ear plugs to not hear things."

Coming back from a fun birthday party for her friend - 
Maeve to Mom - "Mom, I want all the days  to be my birthday.  All the days are my birthday, okay.  Say, 'Yes.'"

Maeve Word Translations at age 4:
Rubagekah = Rebekah
Gekah = Bekah
Woyd = Loyd
Xabier = Xavier
Wap = Lap

Owen Phraseology at age 2:
  • "Lets go!" exclaimed whenever he wants to go play ball outside with someone. 
  • "Ball!!  Ball!!  Ball!!"  whenever he sees an actual ball or an object that happens to be round.  Balls are Owen's favorite things in the whole wide world.
  • Barking "Woof, woof!" while moving his head up and down whenever he sees a dog 
  • "Da!" when he wants to say "Yes" - is he learning Russian when we aren't paying attention?
  • Shouts, 'BUS!!!!  SCHOOL BUS!!!" over and over again until someone else acknowledges that they too see the school bus.  This happens whenever Owen sees a school bus - real or toy.
  • Order in which Owen is learning to say family member names:
    1. Gekah (Rebekah)
    2. Mom
    3. Dad
    4. Maeve
    5. Xavier (still working on the pronunciation of this one)
    6. Loyd (still working on the pronunciation of this one) 
  •  When Grandma Phillips came to visit this past October she helped to keep the house picked up.  Grandma loves to pick-up toys.  Well, Owen had a special toy parachute he was dragging around the house.  When Grandma started picking up toys near him and his parachute he grabbed at his parachute, clutched it to his chest, and firmly and sternly told Grandma, "No!" then proceeded to give her the hairy eyeball.  He was letting her know she couldn't have his parachute and not to even try picking it up.  Grandma thought it was hilarious.  It's always good when the grandkids catch on that Grandma can't be trusted when she's in one of her cleaning moods. :D  
  • Owen is always reserved and quiet when people first come to the house.  But, whenever they pack up and get ready to leave Owen is our most enthusiastic wisher of "Good-bye!"  He just hates to see people come, but loves to see them go!
  • Says, "My turn.  My turn," when he wants to do something the big kids are doing. 
  • Owen loves books.  Any time of day, not matter what he is doing, if I ask, "Do you want to read with me?" he eagerly grabs some books of the shelf and comes running to the couch exclaiming, "Books!  Books!  Books!."  When he wants to be read to and I haven't yet offered he will often bring me a book and say, "Book, book, book..." until I agree to snuggle with him and read it.  Owen loves books.


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