Silly Owen - or Adventures in Raising a Toddler

 I love it when my toddler learns a new skill while I'm busy cleaning another room.  :)
I cleaned the boys' room out this week so that we can now see carpet again. It took all morning, but it got done and was gloriously tidy when Owen showed up in the doorway with the biggest grin you have ever seen, holding an empty chocolate pudding cup and covered in a thick layer of pudding.  When I saw him his face lit up and he happily declared as he held up the pudding cup, "I did it!  I did it!"  I just had to laugh  because he was so happy and of course he would learn how to open a pudding cup when I was busy elsewhere.  That's how raising a toddler works.  :)  I smiled back and asked him if it was good, and he cheerfully nodded back and said, "Oh yes!  Good!"  He happily obliged to let me strip him down and wash him and his clothes off in the sink.
Later that week my house was suspiciously quiet and I went in search of Owen.  Let's just say I still had the pudding incident fresh in my mind.  :)  Well, I found out why the house was so quiet and where Owen was.  He was sound asleep at the computer desk, leaning his cute little head next to the keyboard.  It looks like the poor kid had a long day at the office.  ;)


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