Funny Kid Stories

Story 1:  Loyd talking to the Missionaries  who were over dinner
Loyd: "Man, I sure know what I'm looking forward to when I finish my mission.  I'm totally going to get done with my mission, get married in the temple and then head home to sit back, relax, and watch TV again after missing it for two long years." 

Apparently, Loyd is under the impression that his future wife will be waiting for him when he gets off the plane from his mission and they'll just drive together straight to the temple to get married as soon as he gets home.  :D  So funny!  At least I know he's got his priorities straight.   

Story 2: Xavier trying to figure out where babies come from
Xavier:  So mom, you get married inside the temple, right?
Me: Yes, you get married in the temple.  That's the right place to get married.
Xavier: So, after you get married do the people in the temple just bring you your babies then?

This is definitely a much better story than the stork.  Can you let me know where they keep the room of babies in the temple so we can make sure we keep picking good ones.

Story 3: Maeve has an epiphany during Library Story Time
The librarian was reading the book Chilly Milly Moo by Fiona Ross to a room full of enraptured preschoolers. Milly is a cow who can't make milk when the weather is too hot.  The other cows give her a bad time about this until the weather unexpectedly turns chilly.  Half way through the story Maeve is hit by a sudden epiphany and new knowledge floods her mind.  In the excitement of her new connection she excitedly proclaims in a voice loud enough for the whole room to hear,

 "Wait!  Cows make milk!?!" 

There were a few chuckles from the other moms and the librarian at this moment of brilliant preschool insight.  It was pretty cute. :D I guess I should get these kids of mine out of the city and onto a farm more often. :D


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