Easter Fun!

When one is eating a chocolate bunny it is vitally important to remember to never eat the carrots.  Even if they look like chocolate, they are still considered a vegetable and therefore are uneatable. 


 Loyd: "Grandma, did you know you love to color Easter eggs!  It's true.  My mom told us."
Grandma Phillips: "Yes, I knew that too!"

My mom has colored thousands of eggs with her children and grandchildren over her lifetime.  I fondly remember dying dozens of hard boiled eggs every Easter with my sisters, and then with my nieces and nephews, my Mom in charge of the whole operation.  It wasn't uncommon for us to boil and dye 12 dozen+ eggs in an evening of Easter fun.  This year my kids had the treat of dying Easter eggs with Grandma for the very first time.  They had so much fun coloring 6 dozen eggs and then finding creative ways to eat 6 dozen eggs for the next week.  Thank you, Grandma for sharing one of my favorite Easter traditions with my kids while you were here!!  I wish we lived closer and could have this kind of fun every year!


 Of course, all that Easter egg fun did leave us a bit more colorful leaving the kitchen then when we arrived.  Maeve is sporting her very pretty hot pink Easter hands for the camera.  :) 

 After coloring all those eggs we were duty bound to hide and hunt them.  Rebekah and Dustin hid all the eggs in the backyard and then all the kids ran outside to find as many eggs as their littler hearts could desire!

 After having our fun with the real eggs we decided it was finally time to pull out the confetti eggs and finish up our Easter right, with an egg fight!

Grandpa P got into the fight almost (maybe more) as much as the kids did!
 Rebekah was being kind in her egg attack on Grandpa Phillips, but...

 Grandma P wasn't about to let him get way from the egg fight unscathed!

As you have probably guessed, the aftermath of our Easter was messy, but happy. Happy Easter!


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