Fun Times with the Siblings

Cute Maeve before the brothers find water guns in the toy drawer. 

Maeve after the brothers find the water guns in the toy drawer.

 No worries though, she seemed to have given as good as she got.  :)


A giggling gaggle of children playing inside the pack n' play fort on Sunday afternoon. 

 We just love these silly kids and their creative, if terribly messy, ideas for fun.  :D

 Some cute pictures of our adorable Baby Owen.  We just love this little guy to pieces!

This cute outfit is now on its third Cornelius boy.  I just love it and thinking of my happy German family, the Aldenkirchs, who sent it to me for Baby Loyd, whenever I put it on one of my sweet baby boys. 

Yea for dear friends, adorable babies, cute tiny clothes, and happy remembrances.


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