Queen Maeve

Our little Miss Maeve is growing into such a fun little girl.  Every day she surprises us with new accomplishments and funny new quirks.  Here are just a few of the fun surprises she has given us this week.  :)
During a refrigerator raid by Xavier, Maeve took the opportunity to climb in and look for a snack herself.  This is proof positive that Dustin should be afraid, very afraid, of his near future grocery bills.  ;)  (Please forgive the crazy clutter of the fridge.  It is in the throws of post-Thanksgiving leftovers.)

We found this beautiful teal dress for a great deal at Costco and got it for Rebekah.  When Maeve saw this beautiful thing come out of the bag and go to Rebekah she expressed in no uncertain terms that she was the one who really wanted and needed it instead of her big sister.  She cried and pulled at the dress until we asked her if she wanted it on.  She carefully shook her head up and down in the affirmative and was the happiest little girl you ever saw when we put the princess dress on her.  I think the pictures illustrate perfectly Maeve's feelings on the matter of wearing fabulous dresses. We may have a budding fashionista on our hands.  I'm not quite sure what to do with that.  ;)

This is just a sweet shot of Maeve in a quiet moment.  She climbed into the green chair all by herself, got the General Conference issue of the Ensign down and sat so quietly flipping through the pages and looking at all the beautiful pictures.  She is such a sweetie.  She adores looking through books and magazines.  I love that she is developing such a positive relationship with literacy.  :) 

We love having our little Queen Maeve in our family. :)


She is adorable and looking just like your other cute kiddos!! I love the dress too!! Merry Christmas to your sweet family-hope you are staying warm!
Jill said…
Way. Too. Cute.

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