Quote Wall

Rebekah: "I can't wait for the twenty-tooth of this month!"  (I think we now know which day of the month the Tooth Fairy and dentists like the most.)
After a nap
Loyd (in a dejected voice): "Mom, my dream didn't come true."
Mom (mildly curious): "What was your dream?"
Loyd: "I dreamed noodle were falling out of my wall.  When I woke up I checked under my bed and they weren't there."
Xavier: "Watch this happen!" - He shouts this very enthusiastically whenever he wants us to watch him do something.
Xavier (holding up 1 hand, with is fingers spread wide apart): "5 minutes!" - He declares this whenever we announce it is time to stop doing something he isn't ready to leave yet.  
 Maeve: ...And because she can say a thousand things with her eyes...


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