Home Work Help - Library Advocacy Video

I just made this library advocacy video for a class, and I'm in desperate need of feedback. Please watch my 2min. video and give me some feedback on how I can improve it. My target audience is for young families, especially moms. The better your feedback the better my grade!  Please leave your feedback in the "Comments" section of the blog for this post. 

 Thanks so much!



I think you did a good job on the video- even my kids watched it. The only problem I saw was in the very end of the video, in your last sentence, I think you spelled advantage wrong. p.s. I cannot believe you have time for school and taking care of 4 kids. I only have 3 and I think my day is a success when I get in a shower and a hot meal for dinner. p.s. we love love the library we are huge fans!!
Thomas Family said…
Hey Audrey! I enjoyed the video, it made me want to take the kids to the library right now! Hope everything is going well!

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