Moody Gardens Aquarium Field Trip

Loyd's preschool went on their annual field trip to the Moody Gardens Aquarium in Galveston.  Their teacher generously extended an invitation to the parents and brothers and sister of the trooper kids to come along.  Bekah took the day off of school and we all went on our under sea adventure together! 
Loyd with his preschool class and his preschool teachers.  Yea for Trooper School!
Xavier, Loyd, and Rebekah with two of their friends ready to begin their exciting Aquarium adventure.
 Rebekah was fearless about exploring all corners of the aquarium.  She really enjoyed the touch pool. She felt and analyzed every starfish, crab, and sea urchin she could lay a finger on in it.  She is my little naturalist.  She soaking in every once of information she could about under sea life while were were there.  I was impressed by her already large store of knowledge regarding the subject of marine animals.  I was asking her to tell me what the different kinds of fish were instead of the other way around.  She has been bringing home large encyclopedias of animal life home from the library and has been studying them at night before she falls asleep.  Animals are her favorite subject, after Angry Birds of course.  :)

 This octopus came right to life when it saw Loyd.  I guess even sea creatures can't resist his charisma.  :)
Was that a real shark we just saw swim by?

We also had the opportunity to greet Santa Clause as the Helen Hall Library on Thursday.  This is one of the kids' favorite traditions we do each year.  A kind woman in line gave me the wonderful gift of taking a picture of my family with me in it.  It was very nice of her and a rare opportunity for me to actually appear in a picture with my cute kids.  

We saw Santa pull up to the library in the back of a fire truck and the kids were beyond excited.  Xavier was speechless.  Rebekah was memorizing every detail for analysis later.  And Loyd was hopping around behind Dustin.  When I asked Loyd to come to the front for a better view of Mr. Clause, Loyd said he couldn't because he was scared.  I replied that maybe he was mistaking being scared for being too excited.  "Loyd," I said, "Are you feeling ambivalent?"  In a pained voice he confessed, "Oh Mamma, I feel both.  I'm so confused."  Luckily, Loyd overcame his jumbled emotions and was able to sit on Santa's knee and tell him his Christmas wish list. 
I wasn't able to get a lot of great pictures of Xavier and Maeve this week so you'll have to settle for an anecdote and a couple of pictures.  :)

Xavier's unfortunate encounter with the Tooth Fairy:
Bekah thought it would be nice to hide a dime under Xavier's pillow and tell him the Tooth Fairy left it for him. After all, it's really exciting to find Tooth Fairy money under your pillow, right?

Well, I went in to tuck Xavier in for the night and he found the dime under his pillow pet.  Immediately, he started screaming and crying and telling me to take the money away.

When I asked him why he was freaking out he told me he was scared of the Tooth Fairy.  Somewhat confused by this statement I pushed further and asked why he was scared of the Tooth Fairy.  He replied that he thought she was going to come in and punch one of his teeth out in exchange for the money!  Man, with a Tooth Fairy like that I would be scared too!  I guess there are no free rides in life, even where the Tooth Fairy is involved. ;)

A Happy Maeve Moment:
We are all in love with this beautiful baby girl.  Her generous smiles are everyone's favorite treat.

And we are having way too much fun putting on funny little baby clothes.  Especially the ones with bunny bums!


Jill said…
I ADORE that picture of your family with Santa.

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