Soccer Saturdays

 Loyd is playing soccer this spring.  His team is called the Sharks and they are a pretty fun team of 3-5yr olds to watch.  :)  Here are some pictures of our recent Saturday soccer experiences.  :)

 Loyd - Goalie extraordinaire!  He caught 2 balls in mid air protecting his team goal during this game.  I'm sure you can see how focused and intent he is during game time.  :)


Lindsey said…
I loved doing little kid soccer last fall with Dallin and am excited to have both my boys do it this coming fall. I'm impressed that your teams out there actually have a goalie! They had no positions out here and half the time the kids were kicking to the wrong end of the field. So funny! And did I catch from a previous post that you are expecting again?! Congratulations if you are. Any more details to share?

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