Happy Easter and Various Quotes

We had a wonderful Easter. We colored hard boiled eggs, enjoyed several egg hunts, ate lots of yummy treats and talked about the great miracle and gift of the Atonement.

We've also had an explosion of funny quotes that I thought I would share. :)

While dying hard boiled eggs Rebekah asked, "So, what kind of candy is inside of these eggs?"
(Maybe I should boil eggs more often. :D )

Extremely tired and 40 minutes after he had been put in his room for nap time Loyd calls, "Mom, you have to take these toys out. I can't stop myself from playing with them." I took the toys out, Loyd was asleep 5 minutes later. Silly kid. :)
Dustin came home from work feeling a bit under the weather. With some concern Loyd snuggles up to his Daddy and asks, "You're not feeling well? Are you growing a baby in your tummy too?"

When Dustin told him that Daddies don't grow babies in their tummies Loyd asked with real sincerity and authority in his personal observation, "Then why is your tummy getting fatter?"

Xavier Speak Translation:
"Bo-bot" = Robot
(A very important word at our house this month with the high school FIRST robotics competitions.)

"Bummy" = Bunny
(Also a very important word this month due to the happy visit from the Easter Bunny himself.)

Ta-da! Rebekah finished her first project in her sewing class. She made this very stylish Hello Kitty sewing bag all by herself. She is doing a great job and really enjoys going to sewing class. her teacher says she works very hard and has a great deal of patience and concentration. Good job Bekah! Maybe she'll be an excellent seamstress one day and follow in the footsteps of her grandmothers.

She is currently working on a peasant shirt for herself. We'll post a picture of that finished project when she completes her next masterpiece.


Thomas Family said…
What cute quotes! Bekah's bag looks so good! I hope you're doing well. We miss you guys!
Triny Kay said…
so did i miss something? are you having another baby? if so.....congrats! if not....um....(insert awkward moment here) love ya! love hearing the cute things your kiddos say. let me know if you guys are coming this way again this summer =)
Love those kids of yours!! And excuse me I didn't know you were expecting? How exciting! Hope you are doing well!
Yes, we're expecting another fun baby this September. We find out the gender in May, so I'll keep everyone posted when we find out. :)

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