Odds and Ends

It's been a week of odds and ends. Here are a few pictures of our odds. :>)

We tried a new hair-do out with Rebekah and found out that it has the added benefit of giving us Texas-big hair the next day!

This is what an Xavier looks like after enthusiastically eating a bowl full of brownies and ice cream.

Ever wonder what Shawn the Sheep would look like after a diet? Well, now you know.

And finally, this last picture is for my mom and my sister, Jenny. My birthday has come and gone and here is the progress on our bathroom. ;>D


Anonymous said…
I love the hair. :)
Love Bekah's cute hair!Funny that you say "big Texas hair"- growing up in Texas we would always make fun of those in Utah and say "big Utah hair" :-) hope ya"ll are well!!

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