Wacky Week

This week was the last week of school for Dustin. Now we have him home all summer to finish those pesky bathroom, storm window, and insulation projects he's been meaning to tackle since last fall. Yea for Honey-Do lists! We celebrated his last Friday with our traditional honoring of National Donuts Day. In observance of this important holiday we ate donuts and drink chocolate milk before dinner. I'm thinking this will be one of the kids' favorite traditions. :)

We enjoyed Memorial Day at home with a few friends on Monday. We all went to the neighborhood pool in the morning to play and relax. Then we came home for a yummy lunch. Finally, we took some cookies over to our neighbor Mr. Keickie; he is a retired veteran. It was a very nice day.

The rest of the week has been spent in general wacky behavior. Here are just a few pictures of the silly things the kids are thinking up.

This is probably my favorite. Rebekah didn't think her fairy dress and sparkly wings were enough dress ups. She got Xavier's floating tube for the pool and stuck it upside down on her head to add to her costume. She appears to be channeling some extraterrestrial vibes. :D

Loyd decided he and Xavier were a bit on the dirty side and needed to be washed up. Maybe I'll have less laundry to do if I just skip the middle man and put the kids directly into the washing machine? What do you think?

And finally, though this isn't too wacky, it is very important. Xavier finally learned how to drink from a bottle! Loyd thinks it looks pretty cool to feed the baby so he wants to help. Xavier is a bit confused by his brother's less than expert bottle holding skills. But, I'm sure the two of them will figure out a system to keep that pesky bottle in Xavier's mouth. Or, Xavier will just have to learn to hold his own bottle and cut Loyd out of the process all together.


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