Curious George

Curious George came to the library this week and met the kids. Rebekah was so excited to go it was all she talked about for the 2 days before we went. She even made sure I did her hair so it looked pretty and she wore her favorite Strawberry Shortcake outfit. She bubbled about this curious little monkey the whole car trip there and could hardly contain her enthusiasm when we walked into the library.

"Where's Curious George, Mommy? I can't see him!" she chanted.

He was in a special little auditorium. When we walked in and she saw him she froze. Bekah gets a bit shy around new people and I guess Curious George is no exception. She could barely get close to him and she wouldn't look directly at him. Dustin snapped a few quick pictures (Loyd is obviously confused by the guy in the monkey suit) and we quickly ushered Bekah out of the room and toward the coloring tables. She happily colored a picture of the guest of honor and then we played in the Children's books for a while.

As we walked back toward our car Rebekah commented, "Curious George is nice, huh Momma. He's big. He's big like daddy." We all said how nice he was and got into the car. During the ride home she declared, "I want to do it again! I want to go see Curious George!" Maybe next year he'll come again and she won't be so shy. Our silly Becky.


Lindsey said…
Well for what it's worth, she looks darling! Funny how kids can be so excited ABOUT something and then change when the actual moment arrives! Dallin is so similar though - he talks about going to story time and singing and doing crafts, but he won't budge from my lap the entire time when we are actually there...someday!
OMGosh you are so lucky :( i wish i coud meet goerge :)

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