Toddlerhood in Full Swing - Diana Style

Miss Muffet, Diana, is in full toddler mode.  She is hilarious; she is smart; she is demanding; and she sure knows how to both giggle and scream.  

Her FAVORITE food is string cheese.  She runs to the fridge and yells "MOM! MOM! MOM!" until I open the fridge and she yells, "More cheese! More cheese!"  It's quite dramatic until she gets her string cheese.  This happens all day long. 

Diana can now say everyone's name, but mostly just calls for me when she wants something. :D

Her favorite show is Daniel Tiger.  Her favorite thing to do is cuddle.  She LOVES to be outside and loves putting her shoes on.  

She is a joy and I don't know how we possible lived without our little Diana.  

Baby Love

Um, she was just celebrating Grandpa Phillips on his birthday with one of his favorite treats.  I think that must be the best twinkie cream mustache I've ever seen.
Backyard Peony Portraits
Water party!

Hiking is my life!... and also reading.

18 month photo shoot.  Isn't she beautiful!


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