Miss Diana

Little Miss Diana insists on growing!  I can hardly believe she is 19 months old already!  She is such a delight and so loving and wild and funny.  She loves to have Mommy hold her so she can view the world from the highest vantage point possible.  She doesn't want to miss out on anything.  She lives to play outside.  She wants to spend all day, every day outside exploring and delighting in the beauties of nature.  She loves going to nursery with Mommy every Sunday.  She is kind to her nursery friends and is always watching and learning.  Her favorite part of nursery is pretend kitchen play time.  Diana gives the best belly laughs and loves her brothers more than anything.  She squeals with delight every day when Daddy comes home from work.  Then she smiles and reaches up to Daddy so he can pick her up and give her a good welcome home cuddle.  Diana loves reading.  Lift the flap books, pop-up books, and touch and feel books are her favorite.  She insists on being interactive with her literary experiences.  :D Diana is talking up a storm!  She loves to squeak like a guinea pig and picks up new words every day.  

Diana's words:



Owie (Owen)

Maeb (Maeve)

Gekah (Rebekah)

Yoyd (Loyd)


Ow!! (used whenever she doesn't want to do something or doesn't want to be told no)

Gama or Not Mom (Grandma Phillips) - She wanted to tell me about Grandma one day, but couldn't think of the word Grandma so very thoughtfully as she searched her memory word bank she referred to Grandma Phillips in a loving way as "not Mom" meaning the nice lady who is awesome like mom, but isn't mom. :D 

CiCi - our bunny

Look! - she eagerly points and shouts "Look!" any time she wants to show me a new trick or she finds something wonderful she want to share

The world is a brighter place with Diana in it and our family is a happier whole with her completing the puzzle.  We love you, Diana!



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