Diana Walks!

She did it!  She knew she could do it and then she did it!
After a fun evening of hanging out with Grandma Phillips, Aunt Liz, and me watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3, Diana took her first free standing steps!  She saw Grandma across the party room, knew she wanted to go to Grandma, and then took steps (laterally!) to get to her!  Diana and Grandma Phillips have a special connection and just adore being with each other.  One time Diana went from full tantrum to immediate giggles just by having Grandma walk into the room.  She loves her Grandma P.  It was the cutest first steps ever and so exciting!  Diana did this amazing feat (feet) of personal locomotion on Friday, November 10th at 7:40PM, 2 weeks before her 1st birthday.  Yea, Diana!!!

Diana is also developing a love of reading.  She loves to sit on my lap and read a few board books together every day.  She enjoys the snuggles, looking at the pictures, and exploring the mechanics of how books work.  I love every precious second of our book time together.  I'm the luckiest mama ever with all of my wonderful children.  I am truly blessed.  


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