1st Intermediate School Science Fair Completed!

Rebekah worked very hard all semester long to do an awesome science fair experiment using her awesome computer programming skills and algebra to work out the best angle for a rumba to turn when vacuming a room to cover the most floor area in 20 minutes.  Dustin deserves a big shout out for being an awesome dad and helping Rebekah out a ton with her project and being a great mentor/teacher on her project.  We are so proud of the the hard work Rebekah put into her project and her willingness to think outside of the box.  She was one of only 7 computer science projects submitted by the entire middle schoo.  Go Bekah and her mad computer skills!  All her hard work payed off too with an awesome Honorable Mention ribbon. Bam!  That's how we science!

Dustin had another awesome Dad moment that week.  He helped the boys set up tents at our Cub Scout December Pack meeting. It was uper fun.  We set up tents, pretended we were the Nephites and learned from our very talented Cub Master who was King Benjamin for the night and taught us about Jesus Christ and the importance of loving and serving one another.  It was a great night. 


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