Happy Birthday Owen!

Happiest of Birthdays to the most adorable two year old that I know and have the privilege to love! 

Owen brings so much joy and happiness into our family.  His great big grins when he comes to tickle your tummy, his mischievous glint in his eye when he knows he's teasing you by snatching some clean laundry out off the bed and running with it down the hall giggling wildly the whole way, and the running, tackling hugs that always come your way when you first come back home from a trip to the store or a day at work or school.  Owen's shy attitude toward strangers is endearing as he quietly keeps to himself when meeting new people or going to new places.  He finds the greatest of joys and comforts at home, surrounded by his family.

We love that when we ask Owen for kisses he dutifully presents us with the top of his head so that we might give him a kiss.  The house is filled with laughter and good cheer at the silly things Owen says as he begins to explore and develop his skill with language.  My heart melts every time he snags a book or four off the book shelf, runs to the couch, enthusiastically inviting you to read to him by exclaiming, "Book!  Book!"  I love how he snuggles right into your side and laughts and points at each silly picture in the books as we read and snuggle together.

We are all learning how to improve our own ball skills as he demands every day and at every possible moment to play ball.  He cheerfully asks you to play with requests of "ball!" "catch!" "kick!" or "let's go, outside!" He is the only two year old I know who can shoot a basket and dribble a ball.  He practices his dribbling all day long with any ball he can get his hands on, but his favorite is the great big basketball.

We are richly blessed by this little boy and so love having him in our family.  We are so grateful for the two years we have had getting to know and love him so far, and look forward to many more birthdays to come as we watch Owen grown and develop into the wonderful adult he is destined to become.  Happy Birthday, Owen!  We love you!


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