If You Give a Mom a Norwex Cloth - or How I Spent My Saturday

If you give a mom a Norwex cloth she'll clean your closet mirror.

But if she cleans your closet mirror she'll want to clean your dirty windows.

Once she cleans the dirty windows in your bedroom she'll want to clean all the dirty windows in the house.

After she cleans all of the dirty windows in the house she'll see how overgrown the hibiscus bushes are outside the windows.

She'll get her trimmers and the garbage can and trim all 7 hibiscus bushes lining the front of the house. 
Once she trims and cleans up the bushes she'll notice how untidy the backyard patio/driveway looks. 

She'll get a broom and a dustpan to begin sweeping up all the sticks, acorns, dried leaves, and grass clippings from the backyard. 

Once the mom finishes up her work outside she'll come inside and decide to fold a load of laundry where she finds a clean Norwex cloth ready to use. 

And, if you give a mom a Norwex rag she'll want to clean something with it....

The Sequel

If you give a Dustin an enviro-wand dusting rod, then he'll dust the whole house!  :)  


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