Happy Valentine's Day!

Pepperoni and Greek Isle Heart Pizzas for Valentine's Day Dinner. Carnations, my favorite flower, from Dustin for my Valentine's Day flowers

We had a busy, but fun Valentine's Day this year.  As we have had more children and they get older I'm finding that Valentine's Day changes for me. Each stage of my life has lead to a different celebration and understanding of this day of love. 

When I was a child this holiday was all about decorating boxes with hearts and glitter, giving and getting cards at school, and eating my box of special Valentine cookies from my parents. 

When I was a teenager and young single adult I spent most Valentine's Days bemoaning my lack of a special Valentine and celebrating instead Single Awareness Day.  However, as I met Dustin and soon thereafter married my sweet heart it was a special day to spend extra time together and share small tokens representing our love and gratitude for one another. 

Now as a mother with several young children at home it is a busy week filled with helping them make special Valentine boxes and filling out cards to pass out to their class mates.  It is a day to share small boxes of chocolates with the children we love and eating a yummy dinner of traditional heart shaped pizzas together as a family.  It is a day to celebrate the love I have for my dearest husband and my precious children.  It is a day when I end it passed out half way through a movie with my special someone and looking forward to another year together, especially because it is filled with lots of busy days and the work of raising a family together. 

Happy Valentine's Day to you all, in whatever Valentine stage you are in. 
 Our own personal Valentine's Day Love Robot (a.k.a. Maeve)

Fun Valentine's Day themed hair-dos.

This is my special birthday/Valentine's Day gift this year.  Dustin bought me and then planted in the front yard next to my beloved peach tree this cute little satsuma orange tree.  Dustin worked super hard to plant this little guy for me.  What a great husband!  Yea for fruit trees!


Lindsey said…
This is so true. I look forward to the next stage where our oldest is big enough to babysit the younger ones so we can go out on a romantic dinner date again :).
Lindsey said…
I also like getting trees for presents. so far I got a Japanese maple and weeping cherry for the front yard. I'm going to go for another blueberry bush this year since somehow I missed the fact that you need two to cross pollinate....I love seeing the landscape develop!

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