A-B-E's of Being a Baby

We're being well reminded by Baby Owen of the basics of being a baby.  Those basics can be easily summed up by A-B-E = Always Be Eating.  When Mr. Owen isn't eating he tends to either be sleeping or crying because he wants to eat again.  This cute, chubby little monkey has worked hard to put on a pound and half in the 10 days since he left the hospital and seems to be working on a goal of reaching Sumo worthy weights before his first birthday.  Love this little chuck and enjoy watching his cheeks get more squishy and pinchable every day.  :)

I love these pictures.  These two brothers are pulling the same faces at the same time.  I think they are going to be really great buddies.

On Friday, while I was folding laundry in my bedroom, Xavier was sitting in my rocking chair in my room and was holding Baby Owen.  With my back turned toward the boys, all of a sudden I hear Xavier start to giggle like crazy.  I turn around to see what is so fun, and Xavier giggles, "Look Mom, only Owen's fingers are small enough to fit in his nose!  I can't pick his tiny nose with my fingers.  They're too big!"  Brothers, Owen's not even a month old and he's already part of booger jokes with his big brother.  Heaven help us.  ;>)

Fun with giant boxes!  Yea for play dates with your siblings that go well.  :)


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