Happy Halloween


After a full day of heavy rain, the weather cleared up beautifully just in time for Halloween fun. Everyone had fun trick-or-treating, but poor Loyd fell victim to his own love for the holiday.  With a fateful combination of Halloween day excitement and eating too much Trooper School candy, Loyd ended up throwing up half way around the block.  He had to come home early while the rest of the kids went to more houses.  At least his share of Xavier's preschool candy hoard eased the blow of a Halloween night cut short.  :)


Rebekah was an adorable raccoon this year.  She had so much fun walking around with a big, fluffy tail.  :)

 Loyd had so much fun as an Angry Bird last year, that he wanted to do it again.  Such a happy Angry Bird.  :)

 Xavier is a super fast cheetah.  You have to keep your eye on him or you just might miss him speeding by.  

Miss Maeve is a busy, buzzing bee, of course!  Who could resist putting wings on such an adorable little girl?  She loved her costume and didn't fuss with it at all the whole time she had it on.  She knew she was cute and she strutted her cute stuff with pride.  :)

Happy Halloween!


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