Summer Fun

 Summer is here and so is the Southeast Texas heat.  Here is a list of just some of the things we've been doing this month to beat the heat and enjoy the hot summer weather:

1. Swimming lessons - We go to the city pool nearly every day to cool off and learn important swimming skills. 

  Loyd puts his own swimming suit on all by himself.  :)

 Making progress!  One day these kids will relax and swim...right?  I only had to be 27 years old before I finally learned how to swim.  I guess that means there's hope for them too.  :)

 Xavier is too little to be in a class, but he gets to hang out and play in the baby pool while we wait for Bekah and Loyd to finish their classes. 

2.  Neighborhood Pool - We walk to the neighborhood pool several times a week to cool off and play.  Xavier and Loyd can swim all by themselves as long as they have a life jacket on.  Bekah is working really hard to learn how to swim without her life jacket.  We play a lot of games of "Shark Attack" and "Retrieve the Toy from the Bottom of the Pool." 

 3. Petting Zoo and Summer Reading Program - We love reading lots of fun books and getting exciting prizes for it.  We also love all of the fun activities the libraries are offering throughout the summer.  The first activity was a free petting zoo.  We couldn't pass that up!

Bekah couldn't get enough of this cute little baby goat. 
 Xavier was so soft with the animals.  However, he mostly wanted to feed them instead of pet them. 

 Loyd's favorite animal was the 3 week old baby pig.  He couldn't believe how tiny and cute it was.  He wants one for a pet.  I told him he has to make do with a baby sister. 

4. Cold treats -  We are making sure we consume our fair share of snow cones, ice cream, Slurpees, and popcycles.  Yummy!

 5.  Fancy Birthday Parties - We were lucky enough to be invited to a fancy dress birthday luncheon.  The kids had fun and everything was so cute!  I love the hats and bow ties!

 6.  Library Snake Program - We valiantly wait an hour and a half at nap time for tickets to this fun snake show.  The kids got to touch and hold all of the snakes.   Bekah and Loyd thought it was the coolest thing ever.  There was no way on this planet Xavier was going to touch one of those slithering things. 

7.  The Beach - We go at least once a week to play in the sand and surf.  We are so lucky to live so close to such a fun place!

We hope you are finding ways to keep busy and stay cool too!


Maraike said…
Hey, cool activities!
But hey, you already got the chance to learn how to swim earlier in life, right ?! ;)
Jill said…
I like Bekah's swim suits!

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