Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope you are ready for another busy, but fun holiday season! I know Bekah is ready for the upcoming big feast day. She has a new outfit and everything. :)

Bekah had her first dance performance this week. Her dance class put on a little performance at a local assisted living facility. The girls were adorable in their pink tutus as they danced to the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies." She had a fun time and did a great job. She didn't even have a hint of state fright. I appreciate that her dance studio takes the time to organize these types of events for the kids. It was a perfect teaching moment to show the kids how to share their talents and bring happiness to others through service. We had a fun night.

Something funny Rebekah said this weekend:
Completely bored after a Saturday of no school, Bekah woke up Sunday morning and lamented, "Mom, they won't let me go to school tomorrow because of the holiday."

It's very tragic that the school district has chosen to be so cruel as to not let the children go to school and has given them an entire week of vacation for Thanksgiving break. Poor Bekah.
Something funny Loyd said this week:
Looking at the chore chart, Loyd mater of factly declared, "Mom, I did a great job doing the dishes. I should be a mom."

I corrected him and told him his awesome dish washing skills are what will make him a great dad. There's nothing better than seeing a man do the dishes, right!


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