
Showing posts from July, 2023

John Boy

I just love this little boy to the moon and back.  He is my number one gardening helper.  He is always at the ready to deadhead old flowers, water plants, and ask a million questions about what's growing, what's a weed, and what else can he do to be a helper.   He fills each day with joy and enthusiasm and such profound love.  He loves freely and deeply and joyfully.  John is truly one of a kind and I can't believe I am so privileged to share his childhood and be his adoring mama.   Favorite John sayings recently: June - When watching Grandma P and I paint the floor in the basement washroom, "Can I help?  I can help.  I'm good and I'm fast!" July - "I want to follow Jesus."  What a good little boy who loves God.  I am richly blessed.  

CiCi in the Garden


Milestones for Diana

Diana has been busy!  Some firsts she has been working on this month: June 18th - First Word and it's "MAMA!!!!!!"  She says "Mama" to call for me when she wants food, to be held, to be taken on a walking tour of the house and garden, or to be rescues from overly affectionate siblings.  :D  June 27th - She crawls! Okay, it's not a graceful or a fast crawl. She's just learning, after all.  But she's making forward and backward locomotion on all fours!  Time to get the baby gates! Oh, and by the way, Diana LOVES, LOVES, LOVES fresh blackberries.  :D 

Diana and Her Silly Brothers

Luckiest little girl ever; Diana is so loved and so spoiled by her amazing big brothers.  I just love these kids.   

Beating the Summertime Heat

It's hot out there!  Never fear!  We're finding lots of ways to enjoy these long summer days, beat the hot temperatures, and make fun memories along the way.   The splash pad has been getting lots of use this summer in the front yard.  It's a great way to cool off on a hot day, enjoy the beautiful garden, and convince neighborhood friends to come over and play.  :)  Fun hikes/walks at the Ogden Nature Center and the Ogden Botanical Garden are also a fun way to stroll through cool shade covered trails and enjoy the beauties of nature.   Check out the dragonfly that decided to become friends with Diana!  He stayed on her cute, chubby little foot for several minutes.  It must have been a nice perk for a dragonfly to rest.  In addition to the splash pad at our house we have taken advantage of the Morgan City splashpad at the park.  It's a wonderful place to cool off and spot friends from school.  And last but not least, we are doing a state tour of public swimming pools to

Summer Camp Extravaganza

We've been busy filling our summer with some fun summer camps this year.   Loyd and Xavier when to Hope of Israel Stake Youth Conference in Henefer.  They learned all about the ancient Tabernacle from the Old Testament and we all got to go on a tour of a recreation of the ancient Tabernacle.  It was super interesting and spiritually uplifting.   Xavier also had the opportunity to be a youth teacher for the 4H Cloverbud Plants, Gardening, and Cooking camp.  He did a great job teaching the little kids all about how clouds are made and the importance of kitchen rules.  Xavier also got to participate in a 4H camp of his own.  He went to Mama Lake's Baking Camp.  He treated us all with his homemade bagels, cinnamon rolls, and scones.  It was delightfully delicious!   We all benefitted from this camp. ;D  Maeve got to spend an action packed day at East Canyon Reservoir with 4-H learning how to canoe, kayak, fish, and cook on an outdoor grill.  Then she got to be a farmer for a day an

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!  This year we celebrated with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Nathan from Arizona, Loyd got to throw candy from Aunt Karen's parade float, and we lit lots of fun, big fireworks at Grandma P's house because she has the perfect launch site with her great big cul-de-sac circle.  It was a blast!  So thankful for our family, our freedom, and our amazing country.  Happy Birthday, USA! The fireworks crew at Grandma P's