Magical Week
This has been a magic filled week at our house. Rebekah read The Vanishing Coin by Kate Egan, Mike Lane, and Eric Wight for Bluebonnet Book Club last week. After a fun author chat via Skype and an invitation to learn a little magic on their own, Rebekah's school librarian set-up a magic show for the kids. Rebekah signed up to show off her incredible card bending mind control magic skills. We got to go and watch the show and cheer Rebekah and her friends on. She did a great job. :) Of course, the magic enthusiasm didn't stay at school. All of the children caught the magic bug and I spent an interesting week of YouTube trick tutorials, mini magic shows, and cards scattered all over the house. Maeve was even carrying around a stack of A-B-C flash cards telling us to "Pick a Card!" with her eyes squished shut and her hand thrust out. (That was her whole trick. She was just excited that you picked a card.) :D In fact, there w...